Climate Change
DTE Energy is committed to reducing its carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050. This reduction and timeframe align with the target scientists broadly have identified as necessary to help address climate change.
DTE will achieve these reductions by incorporating more renewable energy. We are transitioning our power sources that run 24 hours a day, seven days a week from coal to natural gas. We continue to operate our zero-emission Fermi 2 Power Plant. Since 2009, DTE has spearheaded more than $2 billion of investment in wind and solar resources. We support our customers and want them to save energy, which reduces their bills.
We have committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric generation by 75 percent below 2005 levels by 2040 and 80 percent by 2050.
GHG Emission Goals
GHG Emissions (million tons CO2e)
Energy Transformation
Since 2005, DTE Energy has worked to transform our energy generation. We have committed to reducing carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050.
Clean Energy
We are retiring existing coal plants, building new natural gas-fired generation plants, developing more wind and solar projects and continuing to operate our Fermi 2 Power Plant — our only source of carbon-free baseload power in Michigan.
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power generation provides a significant amount of carbon-free electricity — helping meet the challenges of reducing greenhouse gases. In fact, 87 percent of Michigan's carbon-free electricity output is generated by the state's three nuclear energy facilities.
DTE Energy is a national leader in developing landfill gas-capture systems and in converting small coal-fired power plants to run on biomass fuels. Landfill biomass prevents methane, a harmful greenhouse gas, from escaping into the atmosphere.
In 2016, we partnered with the City of Detroit to break ground on one of the largest urban solar power arrays in the country. The Detroit solar park will produce enough clean energy to power approximately 450 homes.
Wind Energy
Since 2008, DTE has been developing wind parks in Michigan and has produced more than $2 billion in renewable energy. The cost of wind generation has decreased significantly as the technology has advanced, making wind the most cost-effective renewable energy resource.
Efficient Energy
Annual Energy Efficiency Savings — Electricity
Annual Energy Efficiency Savings — Gas